Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Solar Panels Plus products certified in Canada as part of 'ecoENERGY for Renewal Heat Program'

CHESAPEAKE, USA: Solar Panels Plus (SPP), designer and manufacturer of innovative solar water heaters, solar air conditioning/heating systems and photovoltaic solar panels, announced that its SPP-25 and SPP-30 evacuated tube collectors have been approved as eligible for Canada’s ‘ecoENERGY for Renewal Heat Program.’

The program is designed to encourage businesses, industries and institutions to install active energy-efficient solar air and/or water heating systems.

“Obtaining the Canadian approval is important to our business and it’s important to Canadian solar energy customers because more competition means better prices and more choices when selecting solar thermal products. The superior cold-weather performance of our evacuated tube solar thermal collectors makes them a great choice for the Canadian climate,” said John Williams, chief operating officer, Solar Panels Plus.

The ‘ecoENERGY for Renewal Heat Program’ is a four-year, $36 million investment to increase the use of renewable thermal energy by industry, commercial businesses and institutions.

Ideally, the program will boost the amount of renewable thermal energy created for these sectors and contribute to cleaner air by helping Canadian businesses use less fossil fuel-based energy for space and water heating in buildings across the country. Incentives will be offered to industrial, commercial and institutional purchasers of solar heating systems.

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