Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stimulus dollars creating numerous Texas solar projects

THE WOODLANDS, USA: Evolution Solar Corp. -- Numerous solar projects in Central Texas are getting their share of stimulus dollars. More than 290 million dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is headed for the Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO). Of that, 52 million dollars is slated for the Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Program.

To date, a little more than half of this has been awarded to 32 local and state government entities within Texas. The purpose of SECO is to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs in the state.

So far, six projects in the greater Austin area have been awarded stimulus funds totaling 4.24 million dollars to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The largest award of nearly 1.6 million dollars goes to Austin Community College. ACC will install solar arrays on both its Northridge and Eastview campuses.

The Austin headquarters of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will receive about $820,000. The Adjutant General's Department of Texas Military Forces at Camp Mabry has been awarded $800,000. About $618,000 will go to the Hutto ISD, $311,000 to the city of Horseshoe Bay, and $95,000 to the city of Sunset Valley.

Solar photovoltaic systems convert sunlight to electricity. The upfront installation costs are very high, prohibitively so for many would-be customers. This funding will allow these projects to get off the ground, and the savings in energy costs will be immediate. Austin Community College alone expects to realize annual savings of nearly $29,000.

“Evolution Solar is happy to see the stimulus dollars making new solar projects a reality in Texas,” stated Robert Hines, President of EVSO. “As a result, we are seeing significantly increased opportunity for new business.”

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