Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cleantech industry reformation begins with Cleantech Group's 10 predictions for 2010

SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Continuing an annual tradition, the Cleantech Group, founders of the cleantech sector and providers of leading global market research, events and advisory services for the cleantech industry, issued 10 predictions for clean technology markets in 2010.

Next year's forecast reflects a transformative year of reformation around sustainability principles and predicts that the clean economy will go mainstream from every angle, including policy, capital and markets.

Cleantech Group's Ten predictions for 2010 include:
1. Private capital growth recovers, record fund year.
2. Clean economies become the new space race.
3. Electric cars take the back seat to smart mobility.
4. Resource constraints beyond carbon rise to the fore.
5. Commodity tradeoff debates intensify.
6. Energy efficiency, driven by ICT, eclipses solar.
7. Marketing suddenly matters.
8. Buffet leads the super rich into cleantech.
9. Acquisitions and consolidations accelerate.
10. The rise of waste-to-energy, geothermal and aquaculture.

Cleantech Group predicts that 2010 will mark "the end of the beginning for cleantech," resulting in many countries, cities and regions competing to become the leading center for innovative technologies, jobs and wealth creation.

In 2010, Cleantech Group expects there will be an end to the talks surrounding changes needed in the cleantech industry, with actual steps taken toward reconstruction. Other forecasts include policy changes to accelerate energy efficiency markets, consolidation in congested cleantech sectors, an increase in global venture investment and private equity compared to 2009 and much more.

Cleantech Group expects growth and restructuring in the cleantech sector as global economies recover and the cleantech industry strengthens and reinvents itself.

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